The very latest idea to make sure our display ads do the best job they can for our customers, is to offer them, at no extra charge, this amazing way to brand, introduce new products and services and do real sales at the venues their ads are displayed. This feature takes the viewer to the advertisers outlets or stores to redeem an offer, discount coupon or in store offers the advertiser wishes to promote.
The system was created by our design and marketing team with some talented marketing consultants to create real quantifiable results from our displays. Simply text or photograph a display ad’s text to number and your next new customer can receive instant ways to save money on the spot or save the photo or text replay for use at a later date on site or at a store of their choice later. Offers can be changed frequently and have drop dead dates to insure a timely response.
We offer the viewer the best way to interact with the advertiser and give them something of value for acknowledging their ads by taking them up on an offer. It is simply the smartest way to get a real advantage from advertising and creates new cash flow that turns an expense into a profit center! |
By installing & managing the in malls, sports arenas, airports and other high traffic public venues, creates "Revenue from Thin Air". provides a cost effective means to extend new and existing advertising campaigns into a high impact and highly visible media.
turns advertising costs into increased profits, like no other media can.