Goals and Strategies
SKYLYFT™ Media Network Inc. is going to maintain it’s position as an innovator and strive to become the FUTURE OF ADVERTISING, through the imaginative creation of new and better ways to display ads and information in retail chains and big properties with best demographics for advertisers.
SKYLYFTSkyTronics™Systems with their many original sales enhancing tools like, “TEXT TO SELL” is the beginning of a new era in display ad technologies and the global display networks they will create. We are combining new technologies with traditional locations to make the electronic display medium more than just a nice way to show ads indoors and replace older static billboards with more motion and eye catching displays.
We want our newest innovations to not just make an impact on the viewer; we want a CALL TO ACTION group of features within each of our inventions to actually sell the products we advertise and move people to goods wherever and however we can. Through the newest blend of technology, our display ad sciences and our strategic partners in the hardware and software industries. We will make and operate the most efficient and cost effective advertising media to take over from traditional Broadcast and Print media.
We communicate effective sales driving messages. Our feature functions bring the viewers and products together within the properties we display in, or give that person viewing our ads a way to save an offer and use it when they can within a reasonable time frame, so our advertisers, their representatives and employees can see we do more than just show pretty pictures.
Our property partners also need to achieve their goals with us. Make money from partnerships as hosts of our ad systems (a new and predictable profit center) plus see visitors converted into shoppers who go to their tenants and make purchases that may not have happened if we where not working as a team to provide better P.O.P. incentives combined with compelling visual excitement.

We have creative sales tools that allows a big chain of stores to promote new products and vendors at a very low cost and make a nice income from new or better used co-op money and specially priced in store ad opportunities, only our Shoppr systems can produce. As a partner we can sell ads and promote special offers without any chance of a clash of wills between valued vendors, the store buyers and management.
We are a third party solution to increasing the information and sales potential each vendor has in the stores and a way to create a buying opportunity on a National scale. For a small cost, the Shoppr systems payoff is to make very happy vendors and store owners. We create income from great displays and offers that can only be done with our units. Shoppers find what they want quickly and see the latest offers and sales incentives so they never go away without what they want at the best price.
Our goal is to be the best way for advertising to be effective to a much larger and more targeted, purchase oriented audience, advertising that will overtake all other forms of media outlets in overall population and offer features no other media can at this time. We close sales and build brand loyalty through practical ease of access that takes the buyer to the seller on site!
We will be the new impulse-shopping generator with our next generation of ad displays and direct sales promotions media offering instant gratification at a glance.