has continued with it’s tradition of inventing the best ways to convey messages in any environment, with a focus on retail properties, who have the highest growth in visitors and economic advantaged demographics, places where the largest groups of people go to enjoy themselves and spend their money doing it.
From the intense surroundings of a movie theater we learned to provide ads in spaces where they can be seen from far away, from both sides of hallways and public right of ways.
We learned to entertain and provide a reward for noticing our displays and from that we have invented new uses for old ad formats creating far better use of modern, familiar, reliable technology and the software that drives it best. We want each person who sees our ads and their method of exhibition to come away with a new experience and take away something to remind them our ads do more than just show them a message. We provide valuable services and take people to places and things we can help them find. Faster easier motivating ways to get special offers and find the best buys on anything in our stores and shopping venues. We make our partners income and we make their customers dedicated to the places and brands we work with.
We are going from a company who regards itself the new future of adverting to the new future of customer service and sales with our newest products. We get people to the right places at the right time with the tools to make purchases at the right price when they want it. We make our mall operators more money from sales of their tenants goods and we give them ways to better serve their visitors while building brand and product awareness in the most intelligent and useful ways . We are striving to become the new future of merchandizing through advertising and message. |

Our in store" " units, show the viewers what the store offers by category then changes to a listing of product that then display pictures or video of the products, promotions and sales incentives of our in store advertisers. Then we take the shopper to the products and help close the sale with incentives and even a personnel introduction to a sales assistant who is ready to serve them on arrival at the counter of any product in our systems.
Stores and malls have an option to, “go live” and have a two-way conversation with a person who wants their help or learn about special offerings. This way they can guide and transport a shopper to the products while converting them into a dedicated buyer, all from multiple locations in stores or shopping malls we work with. |